You call it hanging out. She tells you this is a weird euphemism, but she is older than you and though that makes her decidedly more attractive, you won’t say dating or even seeing each other, as she does. You won’t call her your girlfriend, even after she calls you her boyfriend.
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Her 37th Year: An Index
Suzanne Scanlon
Using the form of an alphabetical index with entries like “DEATH” “DESIRE” “DESPAIR” “DREAMS” “DRESS” “DURAS, MARGUERITE” “DUBOIS, BLANCHE,” (and that’s just “d”), Suzanne Scanlon tells the story of a life-altering love affair. Fans of Jenny Ofill’s Dept. of Speculation will feel right at home here; though the books are very different, they share a similar tense, sparing and judicious use of language, and even a similar mood, and a similar cumulative effect of emotional devastation. Enjoy!!
“Its structure is brilliant, an archive of longing both poetic and precise; a love-letter to language. I still feel hypnotized.” — Megan Sielstra.
You can purchase this title directly from Noemi Press.
"REAL,THE (see also: Crazy), Something else the man in boots has admired, reading you: he wants to understand how you managed to create a 'crazy sounding' voice without 'really' sounding crazy."
-Suzanne Scanlon, Her 37th Year: An Index