
"I want to make my work invisible because then I can feel more powerful than those who overlook it. Cannier. Slippery. A rich witch. A ghost."

— Charlotte Shane, Prostitute Laundry

You never know what spaces might turn into graves. It felt bad— OK , sickening—when I realized I’d partied on her grave, but you just never know if you’re standing on a spot where someone has been or will be beaten to death. It’s cheesy, but sometimes my concerns about the history of violence taint everything, even Shakespeare. That quote “All the world’s a stage” becomes “All the world’s a grave.”
I tossed empty bottles on her grave before it became her grave. I was allowed to escape. I was allowed to walk away from that spot.
Sophia was not. Guilt is a ghost. Guilt interrupts narratives. It does so impolitely. Ghosts have no etiquette. What do they need it for? There is no Emily Post for ghosts.

Myriam Gurba, Mean

“Finally I took off my bra

So many wolves fell out"

Niina Pollari, Dead Horse

"Sonia hesitates. Could a two-year-old poison tea? Could she poison imaginary tea? Sonia takes her cup, but doesn't pretend to sip, just holds it in her lap."

-Paula Bomer, Nine Months

Art supercedes what's personal. It's a philosophy that serves patriarchy well and I followed it more or less for 20 years.

That is: until I met you.

–Chris Kraus, I Love Dick