Melissa Broder
“I don’t know what a book is if not a latch to elsewhere, and Scarecrone has its skull against the hidden door. It is neither drunk nor ecstatic to be here it is a state unto itself.”
–VICE Magazine
Melissa Broder writes poems with titles like Hi Humanity, How to Give Head to a Sick Person, and Proper Disposal of Holy Water. She writes poems where Satan whispers, I am glad you feel/good in spots/and awful/in other spots. She writes poems that blend confession and sin, poems that describe sex as all holes and magick and black vomit. The resulting collection, Scarecrone, finds Broder at her most confrontational and vulnerable. Composing with an erotic religiosity that compels and repulses, Broder destroys in order to create.
Broder is also the guiding consciousness behind the incredibly popular Twitter account So Sad Today.
"Poetry is not evidence,
it is and it is not not not.
Somebody is lying
about the moon disappearing."
-Melissa Broder, “Dark Poem”