Notice is brilliant at capturing the equilibrium the sex worker strives to maintain, down to the moment to moment adjustments I make, especially during a truly bad call, so I can keep my remove: How long can I keep the leering mouth breathing client happy just licking me rather than having him want me to go down on his pruney, old man smelling cock?
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Heather Lewis
Originally published in 2004, two years after Heather Lewis’s suicide, Notice is one of the most disturbing and brilliant books we’ve ever read. On any given page of this novel, there’s likely to be a description of sex, sex work, rape, sexual ecstasy and deep communion, sexual torture, and all the levels of nuance between those things that make it clear that they can blur into each other more easily than we mostly try to pretend they can. Reveling in that grey area was Heather Lewis’s great gift. In a new introduction included here, Dale Peck writes that Notice is “an irreducible text, unforgettable, nearly unbearable, but never unbelievable.” We agree on all counts, and hope that you can bear it long enough to bear witness to its greatness.
Notice is sold as an e-book only; you may be able to find a physical copy at a used bookstore.
"My voice stayed even through this, but I wasn’t trying. It was this thing still inside me- this quiet that had hold of my limbs and seemed to be running the rest of me."
-Heather Lewis, Notice