Last year I attended a feminist conference in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, amid preliminary rumblings of the civil war that would break up the country and mutilate the city in the name of nationalism. The conference, which brought women from all over Eastern Europe and the United States, was the first gathering of its kind in the East, a historic event. We introduced ourselves by name and place.
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No More Nice Girls
Ellen Willis
Do you believe in the radical possibilities of pleasure, babe? Ellen Willis sure did. This collection of essays about feminism, identity politics, drugs and sex is funny, mind-altering reading that’s even more relevant than it was when it was published. Willis, a writer and activist who wrote for the New Yorker and the Village Voice, was best known for her music criticism. This collection of her cultural criticism is available here for the first time as an ebook. Warning: reading it might change your life!
You can purchase this title directly from the University of Minnesota Press.
"I’m a political person, a political radical. I believe that the struggle for freedom, pleasure, transcendence is not just an individual matter. The social system that organizes our lives, and as far as possible channels our desire, is antagonistic to that struggle; to change this requires collective effort. "
-Ellen Willis, “Coming Down Again” from No More Nice Girls