A few months ago I woke up one morning in bed with this dude with whom I was having the most frustrating and confusing non-relationship in the history of ever, and he rolled over, apropos of nothing, and said, “you have the tiniest nipples I have ever seen.” Then he rolled over and started texting someone; probably a woman with a normal breast-to-nipple-to-areola ratio. Well isn’t that just exactly what I wanted to hear at eight o’clock on a Monday morning while my chest was still clutched with the panic that I might have leaked leftover vaginal goo into his crisp white sheets overnight? His tone wasn’t necessarily negative, but it wasn’t like he was fucking cooing over their miniscule adorableness, either.
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Samantha Irby
“Amazingly crass, defiant, witty, terrifying, and wondrous,” says Booklist, and we completely agree: Samantha Irby is the real thing, a voice you’ve never heard before. Irby has long been known as a comedian and the ribald host of the ongoing party also known as the blog Bitches Gotta Eat. But now she’s also the author of this book of essays, in which she details the comedy and the horror of having a body, having parents, having sex, working, and every other aspect of being human. Mingling disgust and delight and pathos and tragedy is her specialty, as is an utter devotion to frankness, especially about race and sex. She’s never gratuitously out to shock, but she’s shocking because of how rarely anyone is as honest as she dares to be.
Long story short, we love Samantha Irby.
Meaty was originally published by Curbside Splendor in 2013.
"At the end of every sexual relationship I never cry because I save my tears for shit like dog food commercials and reality television singing competitions, but I always want to because “that dude seemed cool with all my weird moles and dark fleshy patches and holy shit I can never show this wretched body to anyone ever again.”"
-Samantha Irby, “Forest Whitaker’s Neck” from Meaty